In My Place


BIG update!!

ok...didn't I promise to update more..yeah..I completely forgot! Sorry! So here's an update on what all has been happening..and it's going to be a long one...
First let's get the bad stuff out of the way. Z came back from seeing his dad this summer...and now I have had to take the asshole back to court. Why? Because when I asked Z if he had a good time and if they treated him well..he started crying. So that instantly told me something was wrong. I ask him to tell me why he is so upset and he tells me that his Dad told me not to tell him or else he would get into trouble. I told him that he knows that he can always tell me anything and that his Dad should never tell him to keep something from me. So after a few minutes he calmed down and said that K (scott's wife)had smacked him. Now I was instantly ready to jump in my car and drive across the country and smack the shit out of her. She smacked my son on the that may not seem like much to other people..but I don't smack/spank my child and she sure as hell isn't going to! He then began to tell me that she was constantly telling him to shut up and at one point was so angry said that he shouldn't come out there to visit, that his dad should come here to see him. Well, that is fine and dandy with me! Anyway, that isn't even the worst of it. I asked him if his dad had done anything and Z started crying and got really upset. His dad had told him that if he told me anything about what happened that not only would he not be allowed to come back but that his dad would get kicked out of the navy and maybe go to jail. Now why in the hell would he tell my little boy that? Because he is an ASSHOLE! After calming Z down again, he told me that his dad smacked him in the mouth and flicked him in the mouth whenever Z would talk with food in his mouth. I'm sorry but I know that every child does this quite often, and we are aware that Z does this at home, but we always tell him to stop and chew and swallow his food before he talks. It works for us, but apparently his dad doesn't know to anything except to hit. The thing that Z told me next made Alex and I so mad that I words could never properly describe our anger. Z had backtalked (just like a lot of kids do when they don't get there way) and when he got angry he went upstairs to his room to pout..ok no problem there...just let him pout and let him cool down...nope not what his dad did..he came up the stairs after and got so angry that he actually dug his nails into my sons sides. I was in tears at this could he be so cruel to his own child. After this happened Z told me that his dad said that he was sorry and knew that he needed anger management think! Now I have been aware of this idiots temper..he made the mistake of hitting me when we were dating...I hit him back and he never hit me again...he was just emotionally abusive..but he had never done anything to Z and if I would have known he would treat Z this way I would have never sent him out to visit.
Anyway...I called the attorney I used when we first went through the custody/child support crap a few years ago. Let's just say her retainer is $3,500 and she is worth ever freaking penny of it! Scott called when he got served..well actually he missed it the first time they tried to deliver it and called me to see what it was. All I said you even have to ask..think about what you and your damn wife did to my son. Yeah..he got real quiet. The asshole didn't deny any of it. You know what he was pissed about...the fact that in my papers it asked for more child support. I get 332.40 a month..and he wants to complain about that..out of all the people I know who are getting child support..I get the least..he ought to be happy. I just said I didn't care about the money..I'm just not going to send Z out there again..and he agreed. Now we are in the middle of this crap and I hate it. He called the other night and got all pissed because my lawyer suggested that we go in front of the judge instead of what scott wanted to do. He doesn't want to go in front of the judge..and he has reason to be scared...but I am following my lawyers advice no matter what Scott wants. I pay her a lot because she knows what the hell she is doing..and I don't care that scott doesn't want to pay to get a lawyer. That just isn't my problem. My only focus is on making sure Z does not have to be in their house ever again. So who knows when all this will even get to court..I feel it's a few months away..who knows...
On to the happy news..Alex and I will be celebrating our one year wedding anniversary at the end of October!! It's weird, neither of us feel as it's been a year..and it hasn't always been easy..but things have been going well and I love that man to death!
I am back in school..made a 4.0 last semester and in my summer courses as parents were happy when they saw that I had made the dean's list.. I hope to make it again this semester. That is part of the reason I never have time to do anything..I am always busy writing papers, studying or taking tests.
In even happier news...we bought our house that we have been renting from my fact we closed on it earlier today! Let me just say that I have the best in-laws in the world! Not only did they give us $7,000 to help with the downpayment..they paid for all the fees, etc that go along with purchasing a house and without them..we would have never got a loan..Alex's credit is practically non-existent..he's never had a credit card.. and well..not that great at all! I just couldn't believe that his parents did all that for us! So we are happy and I have a huge list of stuff I want to do to this place to really make it mine. First thing I'm doing whenever I have some free time..pulling up the living room carpet..I hate it..I want wood floors! This carpet is old and cheap crap that the people before us put in like 10 years ago. Only problem might be that we don't know what is underneath the hopefully it isn't too bad. Next I am going to paint the living room, Z's room, my bedroom and redo the flooring in the bathroom and paint it as well. Yep..gonna be a bit busy. Sad part is I want to do all this stuff now and I know that there is no way I can start any of this stuff until my classes end this semester..Dec 12th I I may try and do a little on the weekends..because by Christmas I want this place looking the way I more white walls in my living room!! ok..well I guess that is enough for now..I hope to not be so bad about updating...Hope everyone is having a great week!!
~Rachel |
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