In My Place


turning 30...

Well..I turned 30 yesterday..yeah not all that excited about that! My husband grilled and we had friends and family was fun. I was just trying to stay upbeat and try not to be depressed about the day. It didn't bother me turning 30..I had other things on my mind. I was upset that there were a few people who didn't even call or show up even after they said they would be joining us. I feel like I go out of my way for my friends..but I never seem to get even the littlest consideration from most of my friends...and that pisses me off. I guess I shouldn't be all that upset about it..but I can't help it. It kind of hurt my feelings. I can at least say that I still had a pretty good day even though I have a few friends that are assholes! My husband did everything..all the cooking, got me a cake, got me a great present and even did some of the cleaning! He was so tired by the end of the day..I felt bad that he did so much for me! It just made me realize what a great guy he trully is!
So today was Mother's I got two days in a row all about me!! It was a great day..I did nothing but watch movies and relax..and my son made me the most beautiful butterfly necklace! I will wear it always! I hope everyone else had a lovely day!
~Rachel |
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