In My Place


what do you say??

I don't know what to say at this moment. My best friend who just found out she was pregnant a few weeks ago had a miscarriage yesterday. I feel horrible for her. I know that she must be feeling just awful right now. She was crying when she called me tonight and I just didn't know what to say. I told her that I felt so bad for her but that was just all I could think of to say. Her and her husband want more children and I'm sure they will try again in a few months.
Not much has been going on lately. Alex and I have been walking a lot and went on a bike ride the other day. He has lost 30 pounds and is looking like his old self. I am still lagging behind of course. I always am! Oh well. I hope to catch up.
I have some house cleaning to do before bed so I'm gonna get to it. Hope everyone had a good day.
~Rachel |
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