In My Place


the little shit head...

well..went to the doctor monday. She diagnosed me with generalized anxiety disorder and I started taking my meds yesterday. Of course it hasn't changed anything. The doctor said it would take a few weeks for the medicine to take affect and that I might not even notice the difference.
I was a little shocked at my diagnosis. I for one didn't think I had any kind of anxiety disorder..but I guess the doctor would know better than me. I decided not to take the test for @DD. It is way too expensive and the doctor wanted to see how this medicine affects me first and then we will try meds for the @DD. Sounds good to me I guess.
We went out to dinner last night to celebrate Alex's moms birthday. It was a great evening until his brother Gary smarted me off one too many times. I was so pissed this rage just came over me. I controlled myself though and leaned over and told Alex I was sick of being talked to like that. Gary overheard me and of course said some other smart assed comment. That's when Alex told him he didn't need to talk to me like that and for him to stop. I couldn't believe it. I was just trying to help the little shit with some advice and he has the nerve to act like a shit head. I told Alex that I was through trying to help that little asshole and that I was not going to talk to him until he learned to show a little respect. He was smarting off his parents and everything. It made me feel disgusted. I couldn't believe his parents didn't say anything. If he was my child I would have smacked him right in the mouth for talking that way. We were walking back to the car and Alex said he was to the point where he didn't even want to be around his brother anymore.
It's sad really. The guy just had a kid and he thinks he knows everything. He won't take advice about anything. So fine, hey more power to ya if you think you don't need anyone's help. He feels that way right up until he needs some money. He sure doesn't mind asking for that. The little shit owes Alex and I $400. Never a mention of paying us back though. Hell will probably freeze over first.
Anyway..I have to get some things done. You know laundry, loading the dishwasher etc..the fun stuff! Have a wonderful evening all!
~Rachel |
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