In My Place


spring break has broke...

Spring break is over for Z now. He starts back to school tomorrow. I'm a little sad about it..but then I'm happy that I will again have a chance to get the house in order again. When he is home the house seems to always be a mess. It drives me crazy. He did finally clean that mess of a room he had going. It's not spotless by any means but it's better than what it was!
I have been doing laundry all day and I still have quite a bit left to do. I guess I will get to it when I get a chance.
Tomorrow morning I have to go meet with the doctor at the therapists office to see about being put on anti-depressants. Yippee! I'm not really all to happy about this but I will do what I need to do. I know I will be telling this person that I don't want to be on anything heavy duty and no big dosage. I don't want to take anything that makes me feel like a zombie either.
I also have to go to the church to make sure that they still have our date available. I am scared to death that they are going to say no. That will be a problem as I will then have to find another church to get hitched in. I love this particular church and I would love to get married there. I will just have to go and see!
Well..hope everyone has had a lovely weekend!
~Rachel |
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