In My Place


what's wrong with kids today??

I had to go and talk to Z's teacher this morning. Over the weekend my Grandmother told me I should ask Z about what was going on with a certain boy at school. So last night..I had a little talk with my little one.
It seems that a boy in Z's class is basically extorting money from my son just to be his friend. Z only gave him 2 dollars but that is two dollars too much in my eyes.
I could not believe that a child in 1st grade would even ask for money to be someones friend. It sickens me. What kind of parents does this child have? Kids just don't have this type of behavior they have to learn it from somewhere..
Anyway..I went and talked to his teacher this morning and she couldn't believe it. She said she will be having a talk with the child. I certainly hope that she will be having a conversation with this child's parents as well. I also hope that the parents return my child's money. I am not really upset because it was just two dollars but it would just be the right thing to do for the child to give Z his money back. I told Z I didn't care if this kid apologizes or not..he is not to talk or hang around this child. I don't want that kind of kid around mine.
Well..I'm going to get some things done around the house..hope everyone else has a wonderful day..
~Rachel |
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