In My Place


Baby Blues...

I know a secret...
Alex has been out shopping around for my engagement ring...awww..
I am not getting all excited yet though. I've learned I only get let down if I work myself into a frenzy over stuff.
I thought he was going to ask me last year and it didn't happen..but c'mon it will be 5 years of togetherness on January 10th..maybe he will wait til then..I haven't a clue.
Marty is here with the baby..I have been watching her all day so that Marty could sleep. She is really battling those "b@by blues". I feel bad. I never really went through that so I don't understand it. I could never yell at a baby..but she has and that is why I went down and picked her up yesterday.. I figured I could at least take care of the baby and she could get some rest.
She keeps saying how she never wanted to be a mom and she has hinted around for me to take the, "You can come get her whenever you want." That kind of threw me off. I mean I don't want to make her out to be a monster. She is a good mom..when she wants to be. Lack of sleep and frustration can really make it seem as though you aren't. I don't think she realized how much it takes to be a Mom. I told her that I would watch the baby whenever she wants me too..Guess I will be like her 2nd Mommy..I always wanted a girl..'s almost time for the baby to have her next bottle and I need to change her diaper..oh what fun!! Actually I don't have a problem changing a's when they slobber and have food all over their face that grosses me out..
~Rachel |
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