In My Place


Six feet Under...they're all dead

I'm so sad..I have been watching the tv show "Six Feet Under" since it started and tonight was the last show ever. I have never been so interested in a show in all my life and when it ended tonight I actually felt like I lost a member of my own family. In a time when reality television has unfortunatly taken over the air waves it was nice to have a genuine show. I will miss this show so much. I don't care that it's totally ridiculous how attached I was to this show. It was just that great of a show! I have never cried at a shows ending before but during the entire ending montage I was much so that I will have to watch the show over again to make sure that I didn't miss anything important!
I'm sad to see such a great show end. I have no idea what else I can do to fill the empty space that that show filled. It certainly won't be easy to find a show as good as that one..if I ever find one.
If anyone reading this has never watched this's a must. If you don't have the dvd's you won't regret it. I know I will be buying all the dvd's so that I can watch them over and over and over...
ok..enough sadness...Let me end with something happy..I painted my kitchen. It was a dreadful plain it is a beautiful green apple color. Looks like a huge granny it's not ugly or is absolutely gorgeous..see for your self!...
Ignore the mess on my dining room table..I was just painting you is usually the cleanest place in the house...

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Now here is the Kitchen...
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tell me what you think..if you feel the I'll have to paint the living never ends..

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