In My Place


Child Custody

Well..went to court on Tuesday and thought that it would be the start to a long battle but that wasn't the case. Scott agreed to the amount of visitation I offered with no problems. The big fight with him was about the money..which made me sick. His lawyer was an ass and was saying that Scott shouldn't pay me any back child support because I just filed for it this year. Sickening isn't it? I did get some backpay but not nearly what I should have recieved. Let's just put it this way, I didn't want to argue because I didn't want him asking for any more time with Z. The judge finally got tired of not hearing a number from his lawyer and gave his own judgement on the amount. It pissed me off that they even considered not giving me the proper amount because I just filed this year. I didn't have any reason to before. He had no money then and never wanted to spend time with Z. Why should I file? However the monthly amount I will recieve greatly increased from the measly $80.00 a month I was recieving. That will help out a lot more! I actually didn't think Scott was going to show up. So when he walked through the door my stomach started churning and my heart started racing. The feeling he gives me when I see him is just painful. I can't stand him. I don't know how I ever loved him. He immediatly pissed me off because of course he wore his navy uniform to make him look like a better person. I knew he would pull some shit like that. I really can't complain too much because I basically didn't have to give up much time with Z and that was what was important to me.
I did have to attend a parenting class because the courts require everyone to do so. I was a bit pissed that I even had to go. The judge did say that if Scott doesn't go then he will lose all parental rights. SO here's hoping that he forgets about the class!
I attended the class last night and let's just say it was THE most boring class I have ever had to go to. There was no point for me to even go. It was all about the process of divorce/child custody hearings. They basically talked about not telling your children about what all goes on and talking bad about the other parent. Anyone with any common sense knows that stuff already though. Z knew nothing about any of this because I didn't feel he needed to know. He is 8 not 18. It was adult stuff not child and therefore I feel I did the right thing. According to this class everything I did was just fine. However, there were a few idiots in the class that made me understand why this class is required. One redneck even told the class how he calls his wife a moron in front of his kids. I laughed because who was this guy to be calling anyone else a moron? Then the idiot went into the story of why he called her that. Basically his son took a gun to school and because his mom didn't check his bookbag then good old dad blamed her. First off he said the kid was 18 and who checks an 18 year olds bookbag? Secondly, he's partly to blame for not teaching his child that you don't bring guns to school. Then this other lady went all into her life story and I'm just thinking. Shut the hell up so we can get out of here. I have sat through some boring classes because of college but this was the worst waste of time. It even opened up with a Christian music video about how not to treat your children. I couldn't believe they played something that included the 10 commandments. I was actually a bit offended. I'm a Christian so it wasn't that I was offended because I was atheist or anything. It was because that isn't the place to have something religious. There are folks that don't believe in God and they have that right. I don't think things like that should be pushed on them.
Anyway, I was all nervous for nothing. Z is staying with me. I make all the decisions and Scott has to pay Z more. It's lovely! |
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