In My Place


Missing Z

I was watching Six Feet under earlier.. for those that haven't seen it may not want to read any further..or else I am about to spoil it for you..

I can't believe they killed off Nate. Why? He was one of my favorites on the show..I almost didn't believe it when his name popped up before the credits rolled. I was already upset because the show is ending after this season..they didn't have to kill of Nate. DAMMIT.

Alex and I went out to Red Lobster last night with his parents and today we visited a few friends. No big deal. Not really much to write about.
I miss Z. He is still with my Mom. They are in Dollywood. He loves that place and I hate it is fitting that my Mom takes him! The house is quiet when he isn't here and I miss the noise. I will turn on cartoons because at least that fills the air and reminds me of him! Can't wait until he comes home! I start school soon! I hope this semester won't be too difficult.
The custody/child support hearing is coming up soon. I'm a nervous wreck. Don't know why. I just hate all this crap. Wish we didn't have to go through all this mess.
Well..I'm off to clean a bit and then hit the sack!

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