In My Place


Live 8

I'm watching the rebroadcast of LIVE 8 on wh1...and Alex just said the funniest thing..unfortunatly Mariah Carey is on stage right now..and I'm not a fan..the chick is wearing the worst dress..and then Alex made his comment.."She looks like a hooker!" I laughed my ass off!!
This concert is awesome..wish I could have been there!
I felt horrible when I first started watching this because this concert was all about peace and helping others and what happens in London just a few days later..terrorists bomb the underground and a double decker's disheartening. I pray for all those affected by this tragedy. WHEN WILL IT END? This is madness. It takes me right back to all the sadness of 9/11. We don't need to go through anything horrible like this ever again! These terrorists are madmen who can claim they are doing it in the name of their god all they want..I know they will burn in hell for thier acts of violence against innocent people.
Peace to those affected by this... love one another..forgive one another and remember to show those you care about just how much you love them..tell it to them and show them!
~Rachel |
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