In My Place


So much to do..not enough time...

Schoooool's out for the summer!! YAY!
Well..Z's last day of school was today..well since it's almost 5 am I should say yesterday! We had a great last day of school. I spent the day with him and even ate lunch..if you can call the food they serve lunch. I can't believe I pay for the crap they try and feed my child. No wonder he comes home starving I wouldn't eat that crap either!
We are going camping on Friday. Can't wait! I really need to check the weather because camping and rain don't mix. Who knows what all we are going to do. I'm pretty sure they all want to go fishing and I know that there are some caverns close by, so that might be something to do. My Mom is planning on taking Z home with her after the camping trip..he is really going to have a great summer!
Scott keeps calling telling me that he wants Z to come down to visit this summer. I still don't know if he has answered the petition that was sent to him. He said something about filling out some papers so that he could see Z but from what my former lawyer said once this thing is in motion there is no visitation until the judge sets it up. Anyway...I haven't even heard from the person who has replaced my former lawyer. She was supposed to call me oh about a month ago. Yeah..I had a great lawyer and now it seems I have one who doesn't seem to care about my case at all. NOT FUCKING HAPPY about that at all. I want this shit resolved quickly. We aren't fighting about anything. Scott simply wants him for a little bit during the summer..I am not sure about that since I don't trust that person he married at all. She is barely 22 and she just doesn't seem to have much of anything in that big ass head of hers. Why should I have to put my child in her care. Well..I don't think I should. If I could only talk him into giving up his parental rights..Alex could adopt Z and we could live happily ever after! Yeah..that is a dream that will probably never come true. I can hope though!
I have so much stuff to do before we go on Friday. I have to clean the house because I hate to come back to a mess. I have a ton of laundry to do. I have to pack all our crap. I have to go to our storage space and find our tent. I have to pack all of Sophie's stuff because she will be spending the weekend with my Grandmother. Fun for her! I would take her with me but I am afraid she will get fleas or even worse a tick on her.
Speaking of ticks. I plan on wearing a hat or bandana or something on my hat the entire time because I am not about to have some nasty bug sucking my precious blood! Plus, I don't really want the lyme desease.
well..I'm I'm gonna hit the hay!
Have a wonderful Wednesday folks!
~Rachel |
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