In My Place


Sunday fucking Sunday!

Just popped in to say a quick little something. Some of our friends can be complete buttholes. We are getting ready to have a cookout at the house and I invited a lot of peeps..and guess what..most aren't coming. Ok it's not like I invited you at the last minute. You said you were coming. I sure wouldn't have spent this much on fucking food. I should be used to this though. It seems like whenever I throw a little shindig no one feels the need to show up. God forbid we miss one of their little parties. We missed a friends birthday back in April because Alex's mom had invited us out that night to celebrate her of course we had to go. Plus they were taking us to Red Lobster.
Plus it's now like 5:15 and we asked people to show up before 5pm..glad we haven't cooked all the food would be cold now! People SUCK!
Well..must go have to finish cooking all the food that isn't going to be eaten! Hope everyone else is having a better Sunday!
~Rachel |
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