In My Place


The child is wild

Alex and I rented the movie "Saw" on pay-per-view on demand last night. From what other people had said I thought I was going to really be scared and think by the end of the movie that it was awesome. Ahh..I wasn't all that impressed by it..I don't ever need to see it again. I wasn't ever really all that grossed out and not really scared either. If I can keep eating my Chunky Monkey Ben and Jerry's ice cream while watching it..then it wasn't all that gross and scary.
I have really had a stressful day today. Aren't Saturdays supposed to be relaxing? Let's see..where to start. How about telling Z to quit running around with my blanket around him and he keeps doing it only to run into my plant stand and knock over my huge pot of English Ivy..spilling dirt all over the floor. I thought I wouldn't have to run the vacuum on Saturday. Oh how wrong I was. Or How about walking into Z's room an hour later as he is shoving toilet paper into his desk lamp and catching it on fire. Then running to the bathroom and getting water to dump on all that was smoking. Then trying to get rid of that horrible paper burning smell by spraying the entire upstairs down with smelly good spray. Or how about an hour after that hearing my dog crying these horrendous yelps and my son screaming and crying..hearing Alex running towards Z's room only to then hear Alex screaming about Z choking the dog with the cord from the mini-blinds. Then Z being so scared by it all he peed his pants leaving a mess for me to clean. I cried because I thought the dog was hurt..then I cried because my son decided today was the day he was going to try and force me to have a nervous breakdown. Corner time doesn't work folks..Time out is a waste of time for children with ADHD..they can't stand still long enough. My son got a spanking..and he deserved it. You just can't do things like that and not get one. Now it's rare that I actually have to resort to getting the belt. Today however.. after spending time in the corner for the first offense of mud and pottery..the belt was in order for trying to burn down my house and kill the dog. I don't know what got in to him today. I felt like locking myself in my room and never coming out. Although after the spanking he realized that it was in his best interest to start behaving. Oh and I don't care to hear from anyone who is against spanking. Keep my child for a few hours and see how much time outs don't work.
In other child is asleep..has been for a few hours and I am enjoying the peace and quiet! I hope his behavior today isn't a sign of things to come in his teenage years. I wouldn't want to have to lock him in the attic..that was a joke hate mail please. He would probably benefit from one of those bootcamps for children who can't behave though. Nah.. I wouldn't let those nutty folks near my kid.
Well..I'm sleepy..have a nice Sunday all..
~Rachel |
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