In My Place


Goodbye Uncle D

My Grandmother just called me..kind of late for her to call and also I just talked to her a few hours ago. So I couldn't imagine why she was calling. I pick up and the first thing out of her mouth was I just got a call..I immediatly get scared. She tells me that my great Uncle died at 1pm today. That's my Grandfather's brother and while I feel bad about his death I don't think I will cry about it. That may seem awful and believe me I think it does. I just can't get over how he treated my Grandmother since my Grandfather passed away a few years ago and how he treated my Grandfather before his death. You see we own a house that is in the mountains about an hour from here. My great Uncle also had a house right beside our house and basically watched our property for us.
Well, one day he decided to sell his house and property and he lied to the guy he sold the house to. You see, our driveway ran between his property and he told the man he sold the house to that we would build a new road so we wouldn't have to drive through his property. We never said we would do that. There isn't even another way to build a road in order to reach our house. So we wound up going to court over this whole situation. After 2 years, and countless verbal attacks by the guy who bought the house, the judge ruled in our favor. Well, my great Uncle was a witness for this guy in court and said that we were liars and all kinds of other bullshit. The man even had the nerve to write my Grandmother a note and called her a jezebel because of all this. How this situation made my Grandmother a jezebel is beyond me...but ok. I don't know I just feel bad for the guy in the end he really didn't have anyone but his son. We all could have gone on being a great family and all, but he turned on us, his own flesh and blood and we just cut ties to him.
I just hope that he is in a better place and that he died a peaceful death. God Bless you Uncle D and may you rest in peace.
~Rachel |
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