In My Place


just a lil ol' update

Well..I met with my lawyer on Thursday. Things are looking good. She basically told me there really isn't a way to have joint custody since Scott lives in a different state and being in the navy will be moving a lot. Which is a good thing. I want full custody and the rights to make all the decisions concerning Z's schooling, healthcare, etc. I have been doing it on my own for the past 7 years..don't really see the point in him being involved now. I still have to get Scott's new address and phone number so that I can have him served when it's time for court.
The lawyer asked me to make 2 calenders so that Scott could come in and claim that he is some kind of "Father of the year". So I have to make one for all the times he calls and another I have to make is dating back to all the times he has visited in the last few years. The first one won't be hard at all, I just have to write down everytime he calls from now on and how long the conversation lasts. The second however I thought was going to be really hard. I don't have the greatest memory when it comes to dates. Then I thought, I probably have written in my diary about everytime he has came in to visit. Oh how I love thee diaryland! So I will just go back through and write down about every visit I can find that I wrote about in my diary. I sure wouldn't have remembered without this another reason I'm glad I began writing here!
Z is out with Alex's parents at the moment so I'm just going to clean the house a bit, do some laundry and complete the parenting plan so that I can have it done by the time I meet with the lawyer again on Thursday.
Well..I'm to read through the entire diary and get all the info I can..since I've been writing almost 3 years I think..should take a while..lovely!
Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend and have a wonderful Sunday as well!!
~Rachel |
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