In My Place


Ohhh..what a funky day!

Z got a note sent home today from school. It was asking about a conference because they feel it might be necessary to hold Z back this year. I think not. First of all, his teacher told me he was having problems in reading.. so I spent lots of extra time trying to help him. I got his midterms today and his scores were really good. I look at the bottom and his math scores are really low. So I guess that is why they want to hold him back. Well than why didn't anyone tell me that math was where he was having problems? Why wait until the end of the school year? I'm sorry but I am going in there and telling them that I do not want him held back especially if it's their fault for not informing me that he had a problem with math earlier. I also think that since he will be in the same teachers room next year then he will be fine and be able to catch up, but holding him back seems a bit ridiculous. I will get tutors for him over the summer if need be, and I know that some of the local schools offer summer classes for kids who need help. That sounds better than holding him back and making him feel worse than he already does. I mean the child has ADHD things aren't going to be easy for him.
I even asked Z if he had asked for help and he told me yes, but that she has the other kids in the room help him with his work. WHAT is that bullshit. She is the teacher, not the other children. It's her responsibility to teach my child not other children in the class. They have all these special teachers in this school, that's one of the main reasons I wanted him to go there and apparently there isn't any help available for my child? Where are my tax dollars going then? I certainly don't understand why I see other children getting extra help that they need and what my son doesn't qualify?
I'm just so angry about all this and I know I'm going to be a mess going in there all by myself. That's the part that sucks as a single parent, there is no one to go in with me to back me up.
On the parent note...Scott left yesterday to go back to VA. YAY!!! Then while on the road he decides to call me to let me know that he will be flying back in July to pick up Z. YEAH FUCKING RIGHT. Apparently he missed the point when I said Z was not going out of state to stay with them for a fucking month. I mean the guy has never watched Z for more than 2 days in a row and he thinks I want his new wife watching my only child while he goes to work..yeah that isn't going to happen. I don't need the stepmonster mistreating my son. And Hello?? He fucking cut Z's money and expects me to just do whatever he says. See what I mean when I say the guy lives in another reality. He needs someone to smack him back to's the only time that I wish I wasn't so against violence. I hope he stubs his toe really hard and it hurts like hell for a few days...better yet let him get a kidney stone and feel the closest pain to childbirth there is. Then he will realize why I don't want this person trying to act like she is his mother. She didn't get to feel the pain..she doesn't get to be called mom. have something lovely and beautiful to write about!
I would write about the weather..but it was rainy, cold and nasty outside nothing lovely about that.
I would write about how cute my little pup is..but the little bitch (she is a girl, I can call her that) tore up a roll of toilet paper, dumped a trashcan over and then decided to piss on the bathroom floor instead of moving her ass over a few inches and hitting the puppy pads.
I would write about how wonderful I feel, but I still have that nasty head cold, cough, sore throat and all over shitty feeling..
So I will just wish that everyone else had a better day than I did!! I have to go study..two exams tomorrow..yippee!!
~Rachel |
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