In My Place


just a little scare

I got up at 5 am today. I must be the only person that does that on a day that they are "allowed" to sleep in. Hell my son wasn't even I didn't have to get up and watch all the ridiculous cartoons they have now. What happened to this good stuff? I miss the smurfs dammit!
It's now almost 7pm and I am already tired. The eyes are starting to droop. That's precisely why you shouldn't wake up at the ass crack of dawn..because you want to fall asleep at some grandma hour.
You would think that waking up at that hour in the morning that I would have done so much today right? Well..most of the morning (at least 2 hours) I sat and read a person's diary..only because I had just discovered it and the guy was so fucking funny that I couldn't quit reading until I had read ever fucking line the guy had wrote..and yes it was just that good..check him out <%%diary_juddhole%%>then I proceeded to clean the living room, organize some pictures, watch 2 movies..and then twiddled my thumbs trying to figure out why I couldn't get online for 6 fucking hours.
I'm such a dork that I am still planning on organizing my collection of Little G0lden know..make a list of their worth while putting them in alphabetical order..I mean all my damn dvds are in alpha order why shouldn't everything else be as well. Funny thing is..I'm not some obsessive-compulsive person who's house is spotless and who's pantry has all the labels toward the front or they freak. My Bedroom has clothes on the floor..although I can say most are the boyfriends and not mine. My sons room looks as if a tornado hit it and my kitchen looks like we have about 10 people living here and not one of them ever learned to put a dish in the dishwasher. So why in the world I like to have certain things alphabatized is beyond me..I'm just a dork like that. least I admit it!
I'm sure I could go on and on about other reasons I'm a dork but I'll leave that for future diary entries.
The sad thing is at the moment I have the urge to go search eb@y for more books to add to the monstrous G0lden book collection..MUST STAY AWAY FROM EB@Y for fear of spending every cent that is in the bank or maxing out the credit card that will at this point take a lifetime to pay off anyway!
In other news all this week I seriously thought that I was pregnant. I was on the verge of tears for several days because I was 2 weeks late and starting to think that the stomach virus I had was more like morning sickness. I think Alex was even starting to freak out, even though he said he wasn't. Yeah, I really believe that look on his face was a happy one and not an "Oh My life is over" look. Thankfully this morning good 'ol aunt flo decided she would show up. I think she just gets a kick out of scaring me every now and then. I even felt sad about her arrival..for a brief while. I think it was more because I had spent so much time actually playing out in my head what would happen if I was preggers that now that I knew I wasn' was well..a waste of brain power!
That's all for now folks..have a great Saturday evening!
~Rachel |
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