In My Place


Christmas Eve...break out the wine!

Well I just finished wrapping the last of the Christmas presents! The only thing I have to do in the morning is pick my grandmother up so that she can be here with us to open presents...and then I have to carry Z's new bike up from the basement. I don't know how he never saw's been hidden down there for a month..but I don't think he has! I got a big red bow for it and am saying that it was from Santa. I love that he still believes in Santa..and will be upset when he no longer does.
I had a few friends and family over tonight..made some appetizers and we all watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation..and of course laughed our asses off!!
Z is still awake..I can hear him upstairs..but he knows he isn't allowed out of his bedroom so I'm not too worried about it!
I plan on taking lots of pictures tomorrow! So I'm sure there will be a link on here somewhere to them sooner or later..since I'm too broke at the moment to get my gold membership renewed.
I have to cook all the food tomorrow..not looking forward to that at all...should be interesting!! I actually have to make the salad's one of those layered salads..that takes at least 8 hours in the refrigerator. Fun, Fun, Fun!!
Right now I'm really really tired..but I want to stay up and watch "A Christmas Story" I'll just have to watch it sometime tomorrow! There are playing it all night and day!!
It's weird..I kept wishing for Christmas to hurry up and come and now it's here..and well..I'm sad that it went so fast!!
Have a wonderful Christmas all!
Peace,Love and Understanding!
~Rachel |
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