In My Place


my shopping list is neverending

My God how many times I have tried to come here and post an entry over the past week. Now I know why I was a gold member...too bad I can't really afford it at the moment with all the Christmas shopping I still have to squeeze out of the money left in the bank.
I wrapped presents until 3am last night and just wrapped stuff for the past 2 back hurts! I've got so much shopping done though! I really only have 6 people left to shop for..and my dad and stepmom are pretty easy to shop for..I can't afford anything they like so my Grandmother just gives me her credit card and tells me what they told her they would like to have..I personally think they expect too much..but what can I do about it? Alex's Dad is the hardest to shop for. I never know what to buy him and it drives me crazy. I usually wind up buying him some clothing or something like that. I still have to buy stocking stuffers for the whole gang and I have yet to buy my brother and his wife anything. What do I have 13 more days til Christmas..yeah..plenty of time. Wait til I have like 4 days left..I'll still be shopping because my middle name is procrastinator.
Alex and I are actually going out tonight. I can hardly believe it myself! My Mom called last night and said she will be here for Christmas Eve and then drive home on Christmas day. So this means that I will be cooking on Christmas eve and for Christmas..can you say FUN TIMES!! Maybe I can talk everyone into going out for dinner on Christmas eve..and then I will just cook on Christmas day!
Well..I have to take a shower and start getting ready!
Have a great Saturday evening all!! |
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