In My Place


Rain Rain go away..

It's storming right now. I like when it rains it always leaves this wonderful smell outside. However, I hate lightening. It scares me..maybe I just have this fear of being struck by it or something. Whatever it is..I don't like it and it doesn't help right now that Alex isn't home. That scares me more. I want to cuddle right now..

I went and saw Alicia and the baby again today..I have gone everyday since he was born (tuesday). Triston just gets more beautiful every time I see him. Poor thing had to get an IV put into his little head so that he can recieve antibiotics. The nurse told us that putting it in their head is the best place and that it doesn't seem to hurt as bad. I guess it's just hard for us to look at. They hope to go home tomorrow. I sure hope they get to go home too. Alicia hates being there..I hated it too when I had Z. I like my privacy and there is none when in a hospital. Anywho..I got my first pictures of Triston back today..but I am waiting to post them until I get the other ones back..then I will link to the website where I will be putting them.

OK..I just saw lightening hit a little too close to my house and the thunder seems to be too close as I am outta here and shutting the PC down.

Have a wonderful night all!


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