In My Place


I'm going on a field trip..

I should be in bed now..I have to be up at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow. 5am just seems like too early for me..but I have to. I am going on a field trip with Z and his school. I am dreading this field trip and have been for the past few months..and now it is here. I love that I will be able to go with's all the other heathens that will probably annoy me. I can handle my own's other peoples children that I can't handle. If I hear one child say..are we there yet?..I will poke my eardrums out. We are going to Cincinatti,Ohio..which is about a 5 hour drive each way. At least we are riding in one of those coach buses..or whatever the hell they are called. I am bringing smelly good spray just in case one of the heathens has to use the potty on board..I know I don't want to smell it. I won't be able to smoke the whole time either..that should be interesting..since it's a school rules apply...Alex told me to sneak cigs in the bathroom or at rest areas..LOL..I think I can survive one day without..LOL.

Anywho..we are going to an aquarium and museum..should be interesting. I have already packed my bookbag with books to read, cd player to drown out the kids, plenty of different cds, crossword puzzle books, pens, wipes, cell phone, camera, film, batteries, snacks and even a blanket...and yeah that all fit in my bookbag. I think I am prepared for this trip. It's only a day trip we are coming back late Friday night. I always overpack though..can't help it. Ooops just remembered I need to pack lotion and some lip gloss..and no I'm not a "girly" girl type..far from it..I never wear make up or "do" my hair..I just don't like dry skin or lips..

Well I am only going to get about 5 hours of sleep so I better go! Have a wonderful Friday all..ooh I forgot to tell what Alex bought me for my birthday. It's a really nice watch. It's got little diamonds on it and everything..uh oh..BLING BLING..LOL.. It's really nice..I am almost afraid to wear it..afraid I will mess it up.. I found a picture of my watch online..too bad Alex didn't get the watch for the same price as the one pictured..poor thing paid a lot more..oh well..I'm worth here it is pic of my watch

anywho..I'll write about my adventure with Z when I get back..


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