In My Place


Yeah I'm tired

Guess what? I got absolutely no sleep whatsoever..not even a few minutes's now 5am and time to get ready and leave..yeah I am going to do just lovely having been up for 24 hours..oh it's going to be a long day..maybe I will actually be able to sleep for an hour or so on the drive over there..yeah right..highly doubtful but one can wish! I would have loved to been able to get a few hours of sleep..but Alex was and is at this very moment snoring so loudly that I KNOW the neighbors can hear's horrible. It's sounds like some big gorilla snoring..or maybe an elephant..something humongous..yeah I spelled that's 5am you don't get proper spelling at this time..Well I must wake the Z meister up and get him dressed and out the door..Wish me luck..or wish me to not go insane from lack of sleep..


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