In My Place


It's my birthday!!! Yay

It's my Birthday dammit...LOL...I am now officially..ok wait not until 6:13am.. 27 years old.. Wow..I can't even believe I'm that old. I certainly don't look it. It's so funny but no one can ever believe that I am my age..they always guess around 18.. but that is something I can appreciate!

I have already recieved one birthday present..My Grandmother gave me something that she already had. It's something that I have always loved and my Grandfather would always tell me stories about it. I don't know what the proper name for them are..but I know they are made in Russia and they depict a story on the front of them. We always called them storyboxes..They are really beautiful. She gave me one of my favorite has a boy and a beautiful peacock on the front! I was happy when I opened it! I love when my Grandmother gives me something because it's always something that has some special meaning to it. I can remember my Grandfather's stories about the boy on this box like he told them to me yesterday. That is one of the things I miss most now that my Grandfather has passed. He always had the most interesting and vivid stories to tell! I think that is why I liked the movie Big Fish so much. The Father in it reminded me of my own Grandfather and all of his stories! plans yet for what we will be doing for my birthday.. I know Alex went to the mall earlier and bought me a present..he said is was something nice. My guess is jewelry..he usually buys me jewelry! I won't complain's usually something with to love that!! I know it took him 2 hours at the mall to buy it better be good.. :) I'm sure it will be..and even if it was the ugliest thing in the world I would still be happy about the thought put into it.. but let's just hope it's beautiful and leave it at that!

I know I do have to study tomorrow all day..not looking forward to that, but I have to.

Well Hope everyone else has a Wonderful MAY 12th!!!


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