In My Place


Stolen car Part 3

WOO HOOOOOOO...if you don't know why I am so excited..check the last two entries and you will understand! The car was pulled over with the 2 young idiots driving it about 35 minutes from where we live. Why they took it out in the boonies is beyond me..apparently they thought they wouldn't get caught..but they were wrong! I want to give the State Trooper that pulled them over a big SMOOCH!! I'm guessing that these guys are in jail now..who knows what will happen to them. Alex said they looked like teenagers. I feel sorry for them, Alex says I shouldn't..but I do. I feel bad that they made a dumb decision and I'm sure they will regret it for the rest of their lives..

We can't pick up the car until I am going to get some sleep..take Z to school in the morning and then take Alex to pick up his car! Then..I am going to go buy insurance and put that bitch in his name!

I'm still worried that all of Alex's stuff won't be in the I will just keep praying about it! I would hate it if all the stuff I bought him for Christmas is gone..that would upset me so much.

Well I hope you enjoyed this saga...I always say my life is boring..I guess I had a little adventure that I don't want to go through ever again!

Have a wonderful Friday all!!


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