In My Place


Yep..I started a message board

I must have been bored or something today..because I started my own message board. No it's not one of those fancy smancy ones..because..well..I don't feel the urge to pay for it! It's just starting out..and I have only told a few people about it. I mean right now I'm the only member. It all started because of being frustrated by the boards on AOL and a certain bitch of the boards that I just wanted to reach through the screen and strangle! I hated having to stay on topic as well! If I want to talk about something different..well then I want to talk about it. I'm sure it will be a slow start..but hopefully it will pick up a little and be some sort of entertainment for myself and others! If anyone would like to join feel free to email me and I will send ya the URL! Don't expect much though right's just starting out.. but you know.. people like to talk!

I am supposed to be studying right I really should get off of the computer..but I have about 100 things to do before I can even start to study and then I look at Z's homework which I think it's ridiculous for him to even have since he's only in Kindergarten. anywho..I look at his homework and apparently he has to do and oral presentation with visuals and have it in on April 29th. Now why in the hell do kindergartners need to do oral presentations? This isn't anything he can do at that age. Why would you make them give presentations like that at such a young age? He's going to stand up there and feel shy..I already know this! More important than that is..why don't they just come out and say that the homework is really for the parents? I mean let's get serious here..who do they think is actually going to find all the information about the animals they have to write about? I know it's not going to be Z. And a visual as well? What the hell am I supposed to do? A slide show for him? I have 3 tests to study for and now I get to do a report for Z's teacher as well! Something is very wrong with that!

Have a wonderful evening and a great Tuesday!


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