In My Place


New Neighbors

Well we have new upstairs neighbors..DAMMIT! We haven't had anyone live there since the man-whore..well unless you count the people that stayed for 2 weeks..I don't count them though. These new peeps have already pissed me off. I have been trying to study all day, but it's a little hard when you have 10 people running around moving stuff upstairs. I can't get mad about that though..they have to move their stuff in. They were playing music way too loud though and that was definitly unnecessary! I already told Alex that I will start complaining to the landlord as soon as I hear their music the slightest bit too loud when it's late! There is no way in hell I am going to put up with what I put up with from the last neighbors! NO WAY! The two that moved in look as if they are around our hopefully they won't start complaining about the hours that we keep! Alex and I both are night owls. I usually can't get to sleep until about 1 am and then I'm up at 7am to take Z to school. I do a lot of stuff late too, like washing the dishes and doing laundry and they better just learn to live with that..because I don't have to live by someone else's schedule. This is usually the only time I have to do those things and I'm not rearranging shit for someone else! This is exactly why Alex and I need to move. We need to either rent or buy our own place! I don't want to deal with people living above or below (thank goodness no one lives in the basement here!). Most of all though I want to live in a place where the walls aren't white! I can't take it any longer. It's like living in a cell. The same old white walls for 3 years is just driving me crazy!

Even if it's a fixer upper I would love to purchase a home and fix it up! I love to paint and decorate! Who knows maybe I can talk the 'rents into helping us out with a downpayment! That would be lovely! Oh that would be like the perfect birthday present. My Grandmother and I went house hunting a few years ago when she was going to help Scott and I with buying a house. So maybe she would be willing to help out again! Ok everyone cross your fingers and hope for that!! Maybe I should just turn into one of those damn internet beggars that I hate and start asking for everyone out in the web world to help me. No, I could never do that! I looked at a few websites one time of people who do that type of thing and couldn't believe what I read. There was one chick wanting help paying her credit cards and she listed the things she was buying/doing while asking for this help (she was also paying some money towards the bill as well). This chick had the cajones to beg people for money and then go out and get a fucking $200.00 hair cut! My jaw dropped when I read that! I'm sorry but unless you have money just laying around you have no right to beg for money and then spend a ridiculous amount for a haircut! I would never pay that much for a haircut and I don't see why anyone else would either. need to talk about that any longer..I just got into a little argument about the airconditioner with Alex so now I am no longer in the mood to talk about anything..

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