In My Place


Yeah I know I should be studying

I should be studying right now..I put off taking my test until next week because I have been a lazy ass person this week. I'm not sure why..I guess you couldn't say I have been completly lazy..just when it comes to school. My freaking apartment is spotless and that is definitly saying something!! :)

Now it's not going to stay that clean because my 6 year old loves to take every toy (and he has a whole hell of a lot of them) and throw them all over his room. I will clean that room and within 30 seconds he can make it look as if we live in a dumping ground.

We seriously need to move into a bigger place. It's ridiculous how much stuff we all have. Even though I have been going through, organizing and getting rid of a lot of stuff we still have a huge amount of stuff. That's not even counting the huge ass storage space that is so full I don't know what I would do if I needed to put one more item in there. I have way too much furniture for one thing. There is my expensive ass couch, love seat and chair set, my dining room table, 6 chairs and china cabinet,Zachary's crib, changing table, 2 bookshelves, a credenza, and about 75 boxes of who knows what in there. That's just in my storage space..just imagine what is in my It's sad I know. I'm a pack rat..I can admit it. So many things have memories attached to them and I don't want to give them up. There's no way I will give any furniture up though..I will need it when I buy a house..which is what I am trying to do soon. I'm also about to add to the furniture when I buy a headboard and footboard. I have one in storage, but it used to belong to Scott's deceased Mother and I just don't feel like I could sleep on something that she died in and it's Scott's. I really don't want to sleep in anything that belongs to him. I have my eyes on this really awesome bed but it's $900.00 so I am looking for something that is just as nice but for a better price.

Well..I'm actually going to get off of here and study..hope everyone had a wonderful Thursday and I hope you all will have a great FRIDAY!! It's supposed to be a beautiful day here tomorrow..I'm excited!! :)


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