In My Place


Busy, Busy me's been requested that I update my diary..sorry it's taken me so long to do..but I have been a bit busy!

Why have I been so busy?? SCHOOL!! Yes that lovely word! I have been studying for what seems like forever. I had my first test last week and I have another one in a few days so I have definitly had my head in the books lately! I am only taking 3 classes this semester because I wanted to start off easy..although it hasn't really been all that easy. I am happy though! I'm glad to be back in school.

I have become a very organized person since starting school. I didn't really have much of a choice. If I didn't I think this whole household would fall apart. I like being more organized though and I don't know what took me so long to be like this. I get so much done!

Alex and I have been getting along so well's almost scary. I'm so proud of him! He has changed so much in his life for me and it just amazes me. Not many guys are willing to do that. He has been trying to get off of methadone for about 6 months normally takes a person over a year and most people can't get off of it at all. I remember reading that it's something like only 2-5% of people are able to get off of it. Of course they don't tell you that when you start taking it. I won't get into the whole story right now..because it's long and probably boring to most. Anyway, he is already down to 30 mg which is a huge step since at one point he was up to 150 mg. But really Alex has just been so loving and I've just been really happy.

I haven't talked to D in a few weeks now and I'm kind of bummed about it, but what can I do. I miss our long conversations. I miss having someone to talk to about everything..but who knows maybe we will talk again. I'm still not sure why we aren't talking..but I'm not the type of person to go chasing after someone else. I sent him a few emails and he didn't answer oh well.

In other news my Goddaughters 3rd birthday is this weekend and I am trying to plan my best friend Alicia's baby shower. I just planned her bridal shower 6 months ago and now I have another party to plan. This time though.. I am not spending 2 days cooking. I'm going the easy way..veggies tray's etc..and no making my own invitations either..I'm just going to break down and buy them because although I love making them and I think it makes them more special, I just don't have the time with school and all.

Anyway..I am still looking for a new layout for my's now boring to me and I hate looking at it... only problem is every one of the templates that I have looked at I haven't liked. I am picky I guess..I just haven't seen anything that feels like it's for me.. so if anyone has any ideas let me know.. I would be glad to hear them!

Hope everyone has a lovely Monday! and I will try to update more often, I know I've been bad.. sorry Crystal...


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