In My Place


Yeah it's been a while

So it's been a few days since I last wrote in here..ok it's been 11 days.. Not that it matters or anything.

I really just haven't even felt like writing about anything. So I will read all my fave reads and go on about my day.

I have been so busy with school and all that I really have no life anymore so there isn't really anything much too talk about.

I have a test next week! Oh goodie.. I have been so busy with school and I still feel like I am falling behind.

I don't leave the house much anymore because I have no time to do anything except the things that are necessary which is basically taking Z to school and picking him up. Other than that I only go out when I have to.

It's weird it never used to be like this. I used to feel like I had at least some sort of life. Now I just feel like I am everyone's maid. I'm here to wash and clean and cook..other than that I'm not much use..that is exactly why I can't wait to finish school so that I can feel like I have a life outside of the house.

I used to always think that I would love to be a stay at home Mom..but I guess I never truly realized how hard all of it really is..I can spend all day cleaning and such and then I am so drained that I don't have the energy to do anything but go to bed. The weekends are when I should be allowed to relax but of course that's when everyone is in the house messing it up so that I will have something to do in the coming week.

Well enough bitching and complaining about that. It's almost 3 am and I need to get some sleep..busy day of studying ahead of me tomorrow!

Hope that everyone else is having a nice relaxing weekend.


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