In My Place


2004 Oscar Recap.. I just got done doing my favorite thing...and no I'm not talking about sex (that's later!!) get your minds out of the gutter. I'm talking about watching the oscars!! It's my fave awards show. I laugh, I cry and I get angry when the people and/or movies I want to win don't..but thankfully there wasn't much dissapointment this year! Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King won all 11 of the awards it was nominated for!! Yay..I absolutely loved that movie..and I was in tears when Charlize Theron won for best Actress. I would have liked for Bill Murray to have won best actor..but I can understand the reasons for Sean Penn winning. Now I just need to watch Mystic River!

Now let's pause a moment to talk about the fashion of the night..It was cleavage galore on the red carpet tonight..but this is Hollywood. I won't mention the many dresses of the evening I loved..that's just no let's get started making fun of those who obviously weren't thinking clearly while picking thier outfit for the evening..

First off..I don't think Joan and Melissa Rivers should be dishing about what anyone is wearing..for one they are both extremely annoying and Joan tries to dress like she is 30 years younger than she actually is..Her face may say 40's (of course it's all from plastic surgery) but I would hate to know what that body of hers looks like..but anywho..back to the more important people of the evening..the stars..

Ok..first off I will begin with Diane Keaton..Apparently she thinks she's a man. I mean really..she's a beautiful lady..why not dress as one. And let's address those black gloves. It's Los Angelos lady..and you were indoors, It can't be that damn cold.

Next..Uma Therman..she looked as if she'd raided a gypsies closet..that dress had enough material used to make it that it could clothe and entire African village.

I usually bash Jennifer Garner..not only because I don't like her..but because she doesn't seem to like where she was raised (West Virginia). tonight her dress was beautiful though..I'm pretty sure she didn't pick it out though..because she just doesn't seem smart enough to do it.

Now I don't know if anyone else noticed this lady..but I don't know how you'd miss her..Fran Walsh who was involved with The Lord of the Rings..she won 3 or 4 oscars tonight..can't remember exactly..but as soon as I saw her I wanted to yank her aside and let her know this is the Oscars and you are supposed to actually try and fix yourself up. I don't know if the fake flowers that look as if they had been thrown into your hair are something wonderful down under..but I really wanted to yank every last one of them out of her hair.

I also thought that Jada Pinkett Smith, who usually dresses beautifully, decided on one disaster of a dress. I just thought it was UGLY plain and simple.

The worst dress..had to be Kelly Lynch's dress..that thing looked like a blue puffy nightmare. Why do women pick dresses that I know barely fit in their damn limo?? That dress was an ugly grayish blue...and it made her look like a big fluffy cloud.

Now let us move on to the lovely man Johnny Depp..I absolutely wanted to jump him the moment his beautiful face popped up on the screen..he is just so damn lickable and yes I said lickable.. I would eat that man alive he's so fine!

well I guess that is enough of the oscar recap..I will try to write an actual entry about what has been going on in my life tomorrow..wouldn't want to detract from the Oscars!!

Hope everyone had a lovely Leap year Day!!


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