In My Place


Organization is the key!

Well apparently my tuition payment didn't make it to the university today. If it had, I think I would have recieved an email confirming it. So I guess I will have to wait another day to get started in my classes. I am so excited about going back to college, yet very nervous at the same time. It's been a year at least since I have written a paper and I know I will have a few to write this semester. I did go out to Books-a-million and buy a book about writing research papers today. I wanted to at least reaquaint myself with how to go about writing a good paper! I used to be really good at it and I have a feeling that once I get back into the swing of things I will do well!

I'm trying to get things done around the house that I know have to be done before I start going through some old clothes and other things that I can get rid of. I am finding that I am in a happier place when there isn't clutter surrounding me. I also want to at least get caught up with the laundry and make a schedule for myself so that I can keep on top of things. Sometimes I tend to fall behind on things and it get's so far gone that I find myself not wanting to do anything. I just don't want that to happen while I'm in school. I have been organizing my things and trying to keep on top of things...but today I did absolutely nothing. I can say that Alex washed the dishes..YAY!! I was so happy when I walked in the door after picking up the Z man from school and there Alex was standing at the sick scrubbing away! I almost fainted!

I do have a plan though..this weekend I am going to try and do as much as I can to get this house to where I truly want it. That means getting someone to go pick up my dresser at my Grandmother's so that I will be able to put the piles of clothes I have away. I need to catch up on the Laundry. Which is something I actually enjoy that won't be too bad. I am also trying to get the Z man more organized. His teacher says that is his major problem in school. Although I really have to question why a kindergartener needs to be so organized. It's not his fault that there are too many children in his class for you to handle. How organized does he need to be? I figure him being able to do his homework, do the work required of him in school and at least make it home with his coat and bookbag are good enough. Apparently not.

Speaking of his know sometimes I look at some of these children in Z's class and wonder why their parents don't make sure they are clean before they come to school. I think it's sad when you don't think enough of your child to dress them correctly and wash their faces before they arrive. Now I'm not saying that these children need to be wearing the best clothes in the world. I'm saying that put your children in matching clothes and don't let them wear sneakers that look like they are the dog's chew toy. I try not to be judgemental of others..and I feel bad for having said any of this..but seriously something needs to be said to these parents.

Well I am going to get to bed and hopefully I will get all my school stuff finalized tomorrow!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


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