In My Place


What do we have in Common??

I found this on trinity63's diary.I thought it was cool so I thought I would do it as well. I would also love for others to continue doing please feel free to do this as well! :)


1. Copy this whole list into your journal.

2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.

3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you. Take note, ALL 100 are about me, the bold ones I have in common with Trinity, you bold what you have in common with me then make up new things about YOU for the rest.

Please leave me a note or message in my guestbook if you do it so that I can come read it!

01. The only carbonated drink I like is Diet Rite.

02. I think the best sound in the world is the sound of a loved one's laugh.(especially my sons!!)

03. I like to read.

04. I am usually a happy person, but lately I have been a little upset about things in my life.

05. I love vegetables.

06. My mom and I have a horrible relationship right now, because she doesn't like that I allow my child to take medicine to help him with his ADHD.

07. I have some regrets, but I know I can't change the past.

08. I hate driving, because I find that most people on the road piss me off.

09. I love to cook and take great pride in my cooking abilities.

10. I like cats.

11. I like dogs more though.

12. I have never been married and am terrified that if I do get married it will end in divorce.

13.I've never been to Bermuda.

14. My favorite colors are blue, green, and purple

15. I am tired of college.(only because it feels like it's taking forever for me to finish.

16. I enjoy a variety of musical styles.

17. I don't like to be alone, in fact I hate it.

18. I hate CMT.

19. I want to travel (some of) the world.

20. I hate getting up in the mornings because I'm a night person.

21. If I actually see the sun rise it's only because I've been up all night waiting on it.

22. I am an ultra picky eater sometimes. (only because I have to be because I'm on the Atkins diet)

23. I love tea.

24. I love to write.If you give me a pen and paper I would be happy just sitting and writing my name.

25. My biggest vice is food.

26. I consider myself very intuitive.

27. I am extremely creative, yet I am my own worst critic.

28. I do not see much of my extended family.

29. I am a perfectionist, but only when it applies to me. I forgive others their faults easily.

30. I almost always finish a book once I start it, even if it�s bad.

31. I don't own enough pillows. (you can never own enough pillows)

32. I love baby animals.

33. I have no use for pretentious people.

34. I miss being younger now, because I don't think I enjoyed it as much as I should have.

35. I don't tolerate bigotry, racism, or those who are mean

36. I am not as wealthy as I'd like to be.

37. I have a lot too say about the current president,I'm not a big fan of his in the least, even though I didn't vote at all last election.

38. I used to be extremly shy when I was younger and it took me a long time but I finally got over it.

39. My parents divorced when I was younger, My father remarried once and is still married. My Mother has been married 3 times and I can't stand any of the men whom she married.

40. I have always been a leader never a follower, I guess I am a trend setter or pioneer

41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.

42. I live to make people laugh and smile.

43. I love to do the laundry.

44. I used to bite my nails, but when I got pregnant with Z, for some reason I quit.

45. I need to have more patience with others.

46. I don't like birthday cake.

47. I wish I could snap my fingers and be the weight that I am trying to be with the diet I am on overnight.. instead of having it take so long.

48. I am addicted to watching home improvement shows, especially Changing Rooms and Ground Force (on BBCAmerica).

49. I obsess when my computer isn't working right.

50. I talk in my sleep.

51. I like silence at times.

52. I'm a religious person, but I haven't been to church in a long while.

53. I possess a high IQ

54. I procrastinate a lot.

55. I think one can never have too many purses or pairs of shoes.

56. I am terrified of heights!

57. I still enjoy color books and crayons.

58. I have so much on my plate I often become overwhelmed

59. My sex life used to be great and right now it pretty much sucks ass.

60. My office is perpetually messy.

61. I am a great listener, but it's hard for me to share things with others.

62. I have always strived to do what's right, but it doesn't always happen that way.

63. I overreact about things sometimes.

64. I surround myself with really great people. (even if that means I'm alone sometimes)

65. I always remember my dreams.

66. I like to people watch.

67. I like silly people.

68. I love warm climates.

70. I have smoked pot.

71. I am not a jewelry person.

72. I love candles. (I have a candle in virtually every space in my house)

73. I love my online friends.

74. It is hard for me to tell people no.

75. I hate hurting others.

76. I can have multiple orgasms

77. I have an issue with needing approval and wanting to be liked.

78. On any given day chances are my bra and panties won't be a matched set.

79. I love my men tall, muscular, and powerful

80. I love my child more than anything.

81.I own a vibrator

82. My boobs are natural.

83. I am a water baby and one of these days I'll have a pool and/or hot tub in my backyard.

84. My Grandmother's house is where I feel the most at home.(I always go there when I am upset.)

85. I am a white knuckle flier.

86. I daydream sometimes.

87. I smoke and have been trying to quit forever, but it doesn't help that the person I live with always has a cigarette in his hand.

88. I have been spanked by a lover.(ooh getting dirty

89.I am terrified of snakes.

90. I am easily annoyed.

91. I am easily amused.

92. I'm ready for this list thing to be over.

93. I have trust issues with men.

94. I have a lot of people I'm friendly with, but few that I consider true friends.

95. I have a lot of secrets.

96. I always appreciate honesty, even if the truth sometimes hurts.( It's more than just appreciation for me..I absolutely hate being lied to.)

97. I like to help people.

98. I miss my Grandfather.(He was my Dad growing up and I never got to say goodbye.)

99. I buy things for people just because.

100. I'm glad this is done!

Ok..all done..that was pretty exciting. I love to read about other people and this is the perfect way to get to know someone better!

Hope everyone had a lovely Monday! I'm off to search for a better template, because I am tired of this one.


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