In My Place


The Butterfly effect..and Z's new meds

So I thought that I should write an actual entry on here..instead of just the survey thingy I did in the previous entry.

Well I took Z to the doctor today and they switched him from Adderall to Strattera for his AD/HD. I'm quite scared about this..I am afraid that he will have a bad reaction to it, or that it won't help at all. He was doing well on Adderall but I would have to take him to the doctor every month because it's a controlled substance and the doctor can't just call it in. I figured we should at least try this medicine since it isn't a stimulant and just see how he does on it. I've been to a few message boards to read what others say about it and quite honestly that is what has me scared. People talking about their children just having fits of rage and being very aggresive. Z is so loving that I can't actually see him acting like that and it would scare the piss out of me if he did act out like that. So we are starting it tommorow and going back to his doctor in a month to see how he is doing. Hopefully all will be well. I've also read where it could take a few months for him to build this medicine up in his system to where it will work properly. I certainly hope not.

We all went and saw "The Butterfly Effect" tonight. I was a little worried about going because I hate wasting money on a bad movie. And you know Ashton Kutcher has been in a few shitty movies. This definitly wasn't one of them though. I loved the movie. I couldn't believe what a great job Ashton did in this movie. It has an awesome song by Oasis at the end of it too! I used to listen to Oasis all the time when I was in High School, so as soon as I knew it was them, I was instantly happy! The song is called "Stop crying your heart out". I just love music so much. I love when I find a great song to wear out in my cd player! I have been listening to Maroon 5 for the past few weeks and I need to switch to something else before I get so bored with that cd that I never listen again. I have to tell you though, Their song "This Love" Absolutely Awesome!! I love it!!

Well it's 4 am and I have to be up at 7am..lovely sleeping schedule that I have now..I usually get 2-3 hrs of sleep a night..not good..D got on to me for that too..but if I can't sleep I can't's not like I am sticking toothpicks in my eyes to keep them open..

Anyway..Have a lovely Tuesday...


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