In My Place


D making me happy once again!

D just made my entire day so much better! I was sitting on my computer for much of the evening trying to get some school stuff worked out etc. Then at 11:15 my phone rings..I'm thinking why is someone calling me at this time. I had already spoken with my grandmother so I knew it wasn't her. I immediatly thought it was Scott, who I have been avoiding for the past week. I looked at the caller id and didn't recognize the number..and since the area code was different from Scott's I decided to answer the phone. It was D!! He said he wanted to surprise me with a phone call and it was nice! We just now got off the it was a long 4 1/2 hour conversation. I love it when we talk like that. We always laugh and talk about so many different things. We feel so comfortable talking to eachother and it's just nice to have someone to have a good conversation with. He was telling me stuff that he had never shared before and he said he didn't really want to tell me but that he wanted to be wasn't anything bad or anything..He was just talking about how lately he felt as if he was just this angry person and he didn't like that..and he didn't want me thinking that he was some abusive idiot who beat up on women..which I would have never thought in the first place. I told him he could always tell me anything and he said yeah but is that something that you want to tell someone you care for. Oh I loved hearing him say that he cared for me...

I told him that I had already bought him a Valentine's card..I actually bought him is a serious one and one is just hilarious..As soon as I saw the funny one I was just rolling with laughter in the aisle. It's kind of a little naughty..but we both have the type of personality that we know it's all in good fun..not trying to be dirty..I guess I should just say what the card here goes..

On the front of the card it has this picture of a peg bundy like person with huge boobs and a grin the size of Texas and it says, "I got you a little something you can really use this Valentine's Day...

and on the inside there is a bandaid and it says, "It's for the scratch-marks I'm gonna leave on your back. Happy Valentine's day (...mee-ow!)"

I just couldn't help but laugh hysteriocally at that..I knew it was perfect as soon as I saw it..but I also bought him one that was serious so that I could show him how much I really appreciate him being such a wonderful person!

I love how happy I feel after talking to him..he gives me this instant smile as soon as I hear his voice..I think we laughed more tonight than we ever have and I love to hear him laugh because I know what a rough year he has had. I would share more about his year, but I feel that is his private business and it just wouldn't be right for me to share it with the public.

He told me that he passed his test on Thursday and that he had one more test on Tuesday at 11:30am and then he would be officially hired. I feel so bad though because I know he is struggling right now because of not being paid for all these classes he has had to take. I asked him if I could send him something, but he told me no..he didn't want me to do that..but it makes me want to do it even more!

I told him how happy it makes me to talk to him and that I miss not talking as often as we used to and he said he would try to talk to me more often but didn't know how busy he was going to be for the next few weeks with his new job..which I totally understand..I was just happy to hear him say that we needed to talk more often like we used to!

Well I am off to have wonderful dreams! I have to wake up early and take Z to the eye appears that he needs to get glasses..

Have a wonderful Saturday!


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