In My Place


I'm sick of creating descriptions

Has anyone else become totally addicted to The O.C. on fox..well I know I have. I think it's because it reminds me of when I was in high school watching 90210 oh those Brenda years were the know I truely think that once she left the show went to shit. But back to The O.C... I love it and the guy who plays Ryan..Damn he's such a little cutie..he looks like a young Russell Crowe.. The Marissa chick gets on my nerves a bit..but hell every show has that one annoying character..But overall the show is wonderful..I'm so happy to see a good show and the fact that it's not reality tv makes it that much tell ya the truth I'm really sick of reality tv..there are only a few that I can even stomach to watch..such as the real world, Newlyweds or however the hell you spell it, and the Osbornes..which is getting a little old itself..I think that after their new season they should quit.. There is just only so much I care to know about these people..but anywho..

I don't watch much tv anymore..because what's the point when there isn't much good television left to watch.. I mean yes I have my friends and er..God what am I going to do without my weekly fix of friends..I mean I can always watch the shows that are in sydication.. but I want new episodes dammit!!

Anywho..nothing really all that interesting occured today..I got mad at Alex..but that is nothing was over something no need to even talk about it..

I got an email from D today..his studying is going well..His test is tomorrow..well today since it is after I know I will be worried about him all day..even though I know he is going to do well!! I just hope he doesn't stay up all night studying.. that sure isn't going to help when he takes the test...

I can't wait to talk to know these little breaks we have between the chances we get to talk are actually pretty cool because then I just get more excited and happy when I finally get to talk to him..damn I feel like I'm back in fucking high school..

Oooh I know something funny that happened to me today..and a lot of people don't agree with me..but I don't really care..Here goes..let's start with the fact that I can't stand Scott's (Z's Dad) parents. There are many reasons for being that when they found out I was pregnant they told me what a mistake I was making..and then his dad even took me to the abortion clinic..I didn't want to even go and he just wanted me to go and talk to the just to make them happy I went and talked to them.. Even the people that worked there knew I didn't want to be the lady just took me into one of the rooms to talk. Told me that I should just tell his dad it's none of his business what I choose to do..and when I came back out and just walked straight to my car and left..I think he got the picture.. I then made scott chew his Dad out for that shit...anywho..His dad doesn't believe in God or creation and I do..and his Father has even tried to tell Z all about evolution..well I don't appreciate that one fucking bit. That is the main reason I am keeping Z from them now. I have avoided their phone calls and everything..but today when I recieved an Instant Message from him I about died..How the hell did this fucker get my screenname?? The message basically said, "Are you going to bring Z over to get his Christmas presents before Easter?" I didn't even answer.. I just put his ass on Block..FUCK HIM. When Scott lived with them..they wouldn't even let Z spend the night..because they claim he was too noisy..He was 4...He is supposed to be loud and running around etc.. Well then a few hours later..Scott calls my house.. I didn't even answer the phone.. FUCK HIM TOO..I don't need any advice from him about what I should do with my child..he hasn't helped me out for the first six years and just because the navy is making him pay child support doesn't mean that he gets any say...but a few hours later I logged on and noticed I had an instant message from Scott..thankfully I wasn't there when it was sent and he had signed off by the time I came online..

I'm sure what I am doing makes people mad.. but you know..I have to protect my son..and I just don't think I want my child learning about evolution until he is old enough to even know what that means..and I certainly don't think he needs to be around people who didn't even want him to be born into this world..

I don't think I'm being overprotective, I am just doing what I feel is the correct thing to do right now.

Anyway..I have the munchies..and since I am still on Atkins..which I have lost 40 pounds so far..I guess I will have to go search for something appropriate to eat..don't want to cheat..

Have a wonderful Thursday!!


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