In My Place


I'm a lazy cat today

I'm being lazy right now..only because I only got a few hours of sleep last night and I feel pissy that my apartment is a mess and no one wants to help me get it the way I like it..It's not a complete's just driving me crazy that things aren't where they are supposed to be..I have yet to take my christmas tree to it's sitting in my living room with a few other boxes that need to go to storage..and well it's driving me crazy..and the reason they aren't in storage yet...It's fucking cold outside. I hate cold weather..yet I wouldn't want to move to a place with hot weather..I know I'm crazy..oh well.

Alex left the house at 11 am and hasn't been home..I don't know where the hell he is and why he isn't back yet..but I wanted him to help me take some things to storage..but no fucking luck..but I think I am sick of waiting for him..I am going to go take the shit to storage on that note..I'm outta here..I'm sure I will write a better entry later...


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