In My Place


I do have a brain to think with...

I have done absolutely nothing of importance today..what can I say..hell I didn't even leave the house at all today. I did clean a little..and I tried to figure out what classes I would like to start off taking this semester and tried to figure out how long it will take me to finish my degree. It's a little hard to figure out right now because I don't know if they will accept all the credits I am long as I don't have to start all over again all will be well!

I am thinking about taking the Biology class that I am still lacking and then a psychology class or two..that is my major..I still need to make up my statistics class that I dropped a few semesters ago..that is definitly not a class I am looking forward to..I know I didn't like it all that much before.. that is the reason I dropped it.. I hate math..I would much rather take English or Psychology classes..that is what interests me.

I was in hopes that D would get online tonight..but I'm not sure it will happen before I fall asleep..Alex keeps asking me to come to bed..telling me that I am going to ruin my sleep schedule again.. I didn't know I had to be in bed by a certain time.. That shit gets on my last nerve. I don't tell him when to go to sleep at night..hell I don't really tell him when to do why in the hell does he think he can tell me..God I can't wait to take Abnormal Psych..I think I will finally be able to understand Alex then.. That probably doesn't sound too nice..but I don't really care. I'm sick of watching what I say to him..that is probably why he has been so pissy with me..I no longer hold my tongue..if I feel the need to say it..I fucking say it..

You know I really get sick and tired of people trying to tell me what to do.. like I have no brain to think for myself. People actually will try and explain things to me like I am clueless. Good lord..It's crazy.. It's sad to think that I must put of some kind of vibe that says..lookie here..I'm stupid...when in all actuality I'm quite smart..that doesn't mean I know everything nor would I ever claim that..but I'm not Forrest Gump either. God I love that movie though! Even D has explained something to me like I was retarded..I actually stopped him and told him I do comprehend well.. he said he did it because he usually has to explain things to other people. Sure...

On another note..I have been having really weird dreams lately..I mean weird. Ice Cube was in my dreams last night..I have no idea why.. I haven't seen any movies lately with him ( I did see a preview for Barbershop II..but that's been a while)..nor have I listened to any of his music.. Apparently I have some sort of unconcious obsession with him though.. not that I mind though..because he's not bad to look at.

Well I'm off to dream..who knows maybe Ice Cube will be joining me again tonight..


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