In My Place


Q and A session

I "lifted" this from trinity63 who lifted it from someone else...don't we all do this at some point..I thought it was a fun little Q & A here goes...

1) What's the first person you slept with's middle name?


2) What kind of underwear are you wearing? And what color?

Black bikini panties..which is mostly what I own..I have this thing with black panties...

3) What song do you want played at your funeral?

Not that I want to think about my own it's not like I will be there to enjoy it..but I would guess people would play something by Coldplay since they have been a favorite for a while..

4) What is the number of your sluttiest friend so some of your single friends can get some action?

I will say her name..Kelly..but I don't think I will be giving out her number.

5) What would your last meal be before being executed?

I would have to say baked mac n cheese..yummy..some apple pie right out of the oven..mmm..and a very large Iced Tea.

6) Beatles or Stones?

The Beatles.

7) If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who would it be?

I don't think I would even want to attempt to answer this question..I wouldn't want to be responsible for wishing another's death.

8) The person whose problems you wouldn't want to hear?

Any rish hollywood type..I think their problems just aren't "real" enough for me to even attempt to listen to.

9) What is the thing most important to you about the preferred sex?


10) Do you secretly hate some of your friends, but are too nice to reject them?


11) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

the ability to cool would that be..I would travel all the time then...

12) Favorite hangover cure?

Well since I don't drink I don't think I need a cure for a hangover..

13) How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?

Hell the smell of it puts me under the

14) Favorite OutKast lyric?

Well I don't exactly know their lyrics to I will just pick my fave song of theirs...that would be rosa parks

15) Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have?

Black preferably..but I can live with other colors

16) If you had to be blind or deaf?


17) Do you have any psychiatric problems?

LOL..not that have been diagnosed..

18) Siblings that should go to rehab?

No, but one of my friends definitly should go into rehab..

19) Least favorite month?


20) Favorite hateful thing to do to somebody?

I would have to say when I purposely piss my boyfriend's mean..but he pisses me off so why not make him mad as well..

21) 1st movie you remember seeing as a kid?


22) Favorite person in the whole world?

My son

23) When's the last time you went on a date?

The other night when Alex took me to see the movies..we saw Paycheck with Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman.. it was pretty good..

24) Do you like violent movies or dirty movies?

I would rather watch something funny

25) Fall or spring?


26) Person you most wish you hadn't made out with?

This guy named Steve who was the worst was disgusting..I felt like he was trying to swallow my entire face.

27) If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?

I have no idea..

28) Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle?

I want to grow old in the house that I grew up in..somewhere familiar and comfortable for me.

29) Who is the person you can count on the most?

My Grandmother.

30) If you could date any celebrity, past or present, time and age are not a factor..

My list is goes..Benicio Del Toro, Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom(but only if he wears the elf, Chris Martin(from Coldplay), Simon Le Bon (singer from Duran Duran..yummy), Michael Caine (when he was younger of course), Jason Stathom (was in the Transporter and Snatch),Lawrence lewellyn bowen (the guy on Changing Rooms on BBCAmerica..he's so hot!) I have a major thing for guys with British Accents! and we will end with Johnny Depp..although I could go on.

31) What books have you pretended to read?

LOL..the text books that I buy every semester for college..

32) What's a word(s) you'd use to describe your life?

Extreme Emotions.

33) What's your favorite drinking game?


34) What did you dream about last night?

I dreamt about Alex, myself and Z driving in my car while it was snowy.him wrecking the car and then people trying to rescue us out of freezing cold water..not something I would like to dream about again or ever happen in real life..

35) Favorite vices?

Too many to even begin to list!

36) What's the last thing you'd ever tell someone?

It depends on the situation..but I will say I love ya to most peeps..why not spread the love around!!

Hope ya enjoy..


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