In My Place


thanksgiving '03

alrighty..I haven't written in a few days because I have been sick as shit. Thanksgiving was not at all a fun day for me. My head felt like it was going to explode all that day. Then to top it off I was looking forward to eating some mashed potatoes all day because since starting my diet I haven't been able to have them..and what do you know..No one fucking made any..Now I certainly didn't need anything else to piss me off..but the jokes at the dinner table sure weren't pleasant either. I had to leave the table. I went out on the porch and Alex came out after me..I just broke down in tears and told him I wanted to go home. He kept asking me why..oh I don't could be the fact I feel like total shit or the fact that no one made my fave type of potato or it could be the jokes about christianity that I found totally inappropriate at Thanksgiving dinner. Now usually I don't care about those types of jokes..but I was in a room with nothing but jewish people who obviously didn't know or didn't care that they were basically making fun of what I believe..I think that if I wasn't feeling like shit I probably would have been laughing right along but really they caught me on the wrong day..

To make things worse not one person in my own family even called me on Thanksgiving Day. I found it a tad bit ridiculous that I didn't seem to matter to my own family..but what do I really expect anymore?

I am almost done with all my christmas shopping..only a few more people to buy for and then I have to pay off the rest of Z's toys that I put on layaway. I would have bought it all at once..but I kept thinking..where in the world would I be able to hide all the I just put it on layaway..

well I am off to take some more Theraflu and try to get some sleep..not that I will but there is always hope..

Have a great Sunday all...


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