In My Place


Sick as shit

So..Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Right now I am not feeling to thankful. I have the flu or something like it. I have a fever and a cough that feels like I am hacking up a lung. My body aches so bad that for the last two days I have had to take several hot baths a day and it's still not helping. I have taken every medicine available in the house..hell I even dipped into Z's children's cold medicine. Nothing seems to be helping. I am so cold one minutes and then once I get under the blankets I feel like I'm in a sauna.

I was so out of it that while making myself some hot tea earlier I caught the tea kettle on fire. I am still not sure how it caught on fire..but I thought the apartment was about to burn to the ground. Thankfully though, Alex rushed in and threw a wet towel over it. I no longer have a tea kettle and my house smelled like burnt rubber for about 5 hours. It was not good inhaling all of it while feeling like complete shit..All I wanted was a cup of hot tea. Now I guess I will have to resort to using the microwave to make it. It's just not the same.

I finally got a response from D the other day..He told me that he wasn't trying to avoid me and that I should get that thought out of my head. He just wanted to have a life outside of his apartment. Which I totally understand. I have also been spending less time at the radiation box..He just has a lot of stress right now and I should just relax..he said we would still I will just wait patiently.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! I will try and remember to do my what I am thankful for entry tomorrow..if not it will be up on Friday.


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