In My Place


What is D thinking?? I'm not quite sure still..what to think after the email D sent me the other's been 2 days since he sent the email and probably 3 or 4 since I actually talked to him. I miss him! I've been kind of sad about this whole situation. I don't know if he doesn't ever want to talk about me or if he just wanted to not talk as often. So I decided that I should just be straight forward and ask him.

I sent him an email about an hour ago. He hasn't read it yet..Gotta love that Aol lets you see if someone has read the email you sent them! :) So for the moment I know he isn't online ignoring me. It's early maybe he will sign on at some point tonight and we can actually chat!

It sucks being in a situation where you don't know how the other person feels. The sad thing about all this is that he is the one who told me how he felt first. I would have never told him I liked him if he hadn't said anything to me. So why all of the sudden did he stop talking to me? I don't quite understand that. I mean why tell me you like me to only stop talking to me? I know I didn't do anything wrong because the last conversation we had before he sent me that email was great. He seemed happy and he was very nice to me. So I guess I will just keep wondering about this if and when he ever emails me or talks to me about this..

Now on to other things. I am still on my diet and have lost almost 40 pounds (37 to be exact!). I also started going to the gym again! I feel much better about myself. I still have a ways to go before I am actually satisfied with how I look..but it shouldn't be too much longer! Well I will write more later...


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