In My Place


Z's ADHD diagnosis

Ok..I know I know..I said I would be updating more often..but hell I have been so busy. I work at Z's school sometimes 3 days a week.. I am still helping Alicia with the wedding, but thankfully most of the work and all the bridal showers have been done! YAY! I can take a break from wedding Hysteria.

I can't remember if I have talked about this but Alicia found out she was now the big worry is that she will still fit in her wedding dress at the end of the month..I sure hope so..she has been freaking out because being pregnant is making her skin break out..I told her it will get's just her hormones..but she is all worried about her wedding pictures..I seriously think that is the least of her worries at this point.

I have been sick for the past week..stuffy nose one minutes..runny nose the neck..I have the nasal voice going on right now.. I don't mind it..but I know I sound like some sort of Alien.

I have been worried all evening. Z was diagnosed with ADHD today. I knew he had it..I have seen plenty of people that have it to know what the symptoms are. I just worry about the medication they prescribed. I have been reading about it online for the past few hours.. it is all just saying the same thing..which isn't helping me at all. He has been prescribed Aderall (5mg) and I am just worried that I am doing something wrong if I give him this medication. I don't know if he will have side effects. I read the possible side effects..I mean seriously the side effects seem worse than the actual ADHD.. The one I worry about most is weight child can't afford to lose any more weight..the boy is just like his and bones..the other side effects include insomnia, dry mouth, nausea, stomach problems..I mean hell what is this medicine really good for?

I just pray this will help Z..he has been having difficulty adjusting to kindergarten..he's so smart and I don't want him to fall behind because he can't pay attention to the teacher or sit still in his seat.

I am still doing well on the diet..I slacked a bit this week..but so far I have lost 30 pounds..which is good for me..that was my first lose that much before Alicia's wedding..and her wedding is the 25th so I hit the target early..but I am going to keep on going with this..I tell you what though..I will cheat on Thanksgiving..that's a given..and you know..I think I deserve to eat what I want on that day..but that's a long way who cares right now..

I am also going to be starting my classes soon.. I hope that it will be easy for me to get back into the swing of taking classes..since most of what I am doing is independent study classes..I just have to make sure I don't slack off..or put it all off till the last moment..I am going to try to really do well! I want to graduate with a good GPA..but seriously does that one thing really matter..I don't think people hire you based on your GPA...but what do I know? I'm not in the practice of hiring folks.

well I guess that is all for now..


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