In My Place


The West Virginia sniper Shootings..too close to me

I'm scared to leave my house. I have never felt like this before and never thought that living in what I thought was a pretty safe city..would I ever feel this way.

I don't know if anyone reading this has heard about the sniper shootings happening in West Virginia at the moment..but so far 5 people possibly 6 have been killed. One of the shootings was only about 5 miles from my house. That is just too close for me.

I always thought that where I lived was safe..I mean we do have crime here..but nothing like this has ever happened around here..I'm terrified to go out anywhere with Z. I'm scared for Alex to go out with any of his friends at night. I'm scared that someone I know may wind up the victim in this horrific crime..

They think that it is just one person.. shooting from at least 30 feet away..killing people at gas stations..doesn't this sound almost identical to the shootings that happened in the D.C. area last year?

What is wrong with people in this world? Why would anyone want to kill innocent people who are just pumping gas.. or getting some milk. Why would someone want to terrify a whole community of people?

What sick person..thinks they are going to get away with this? I hope they catch this Bastard..before any other innocent people are killed...I read that they have had over 200 tips on this case so far..I just hope that they are good leads and that this person is caught soon..I don't want to be afraid to go to the grocery store..or be afraid to put gas in my car.

I was so scared last year when the D.C. shootings were going on in a different state..that was too close for me and now it's even closer..I mean one of the shootings was 5 miles from my house.. the guy was shot in the head while using a payphone..

What is wrong with this person? WHY? I just don't understand the mentality of a person who goes and shoots people who are on the phone..or people who are just getting gas..

I'm not leaving my house anymore at night..hell I'm thinking about not leaving my house period...this is just too much for me

I can't think about this anymore..I have to do something to get my mind off of this..

I wish everyone a happy and safe weekend!


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