In My Place


14 pounds gone

Ok..yes I know..I promised to write more..but it's hard to remember to write in here when you feel like your life is in a mad rush and you just don't have time for everything to get done. I'm sure that no one has really missed me all that much anyway...

I am still doing the Atkins diet..14 pounds gone in two weeks..what is better than that. I can't really notice a difference right now..but I'm sure I will once I lose a little more! I do feel a lot healthier and that is what is the most important! I haven't even wanted to cheat at all and that is a major accomplishment for me! I usually don't have very good will power..but there have been times within the last 2 weeks that people have eaten food that I can't have right in front of me..and it hasn't bothered me at all! I really think it has a lot to do with the fact that I am doing this for myself and that I don't really care what anyone else thinks about me anymore.

I am still busy helping Alicia plan her's very exciting and going extremely well! We are going to shop for shoes for all the bridesmaids tomorrow and next week I am going with her to the wedding planner's so that I can help her choose our bouquets.

I am having trouble with the shower plans right now..the place we planned to book for the booked. So now I have to search for some other place that I can afford..well not so much afford as..just willing to pay for. I refuse to pay $100 to rent a place for a few hours..and that is the rate that I have been given by a few places. Alicia's Mom is going to ask the church that they are getting married in if we can just have it there. I think they should say yes..and I am willing to stay and clean up! I've bought 2 prizes for the shower games 3 more left to get. I've designed the invitations and got most of the addresses for everyone who is invited. I planned a menu and decided where to buy the cake. So I pretty much have most of the work done.

I never thought that planning this could be so stressful..but it is.

I'm a little upset at one of the bridesmaids at the moment..Kelly..who happens to be one of my good friends. She told me that she couldn't afford to pay the downpayment for her dress..and we had to all pay down or else the lady wouldn't order the I told her that I would pay her downpayment if she would pay me back as soon as she got paid. Well I found out the same day I went to pay..she was going out of state to go to Ozzfest..and she has since got paid and hasn't given me the money..hell she hasn't even called me..and tomorrow she is going out of town again..Now I have a Fucking problem with this. If you owe someone should pay them back before you ever think about going out of town. The fact that she lied to me and told me she had no money to pay when I went and put money down pisses me off the most. What kind of person lies to a friend about having no money and then goes out of town?

Well to solve this little problem I told Alicia..since I paid the downpayment that damn dress is mine..and she is getting it until she pays me back! I'm holding that dress hostage..I love it! That she work..she either pays me or she isn't going to be in the wedding..Alicia just laughed.. but she did agree that it was the right thing to do!

Well I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!


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