In My Place


The Man-Whore has left the building

I know you all have missed me so much. Sorry about the lack of updates in the last week, but dammit..sometimes I need a break.

There is great news in the Man-whore upstairs drama...HE moved out! Yes you heard it correctly..the man-whore has left the building. No more being woke up from beds hitting the more hearing his lame ass music that shakes the pictures on my more of him waking me up at 5 am because he sounds like an elephant when he walks across his more of his Hillbilly ass friends taking up the entire parking lot with their big ass Redneck trucks with those huge ass tires and the lights all over it..No more tramps sneaking out in the morning, hanging their heads in shame because they know that the man-whore is never going to call them again. I am so happy! I only wish that on the day of the big move I would have been home so that I could have cussed that dumb ass motherfucker out for keeping my child up at night!

Now if the next person who moves in is as bad as this guy..I am going right up the stairs and beating the piss out of them! I'm such a wonderful neighbor!

Actually I am a good neighbor. I don't play my music loud..not even during the day..and I certainly don't have my TV up so loud that the whole damn building can hear it.

On a side note..Some jackass poured a soft drink all over my fucking car last week..right after I had washed it. They better hope I never figure out who it was. Maybe it was paybacks for all the times I had spit on the man-whore and his friends vehicles..hell they deserved it!

Anywho..I have a few days of peace and Quiet..Z is staying with Grandma for a few days! I'm all excited. I am going to rearrange all of the furniture in the house and go through his old toys and clothes and give stuff away that he doesn't need or can't fit into anymore!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!!


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