In My Place


An evil, disgusting crime

I have to say something about what happened in my hometown on Saturday. I know that it has been on the national news as well. It is an evil, disgusting crime.

A man sexually assaulted an 11 year old girl in a target store. He has yet to be caught. The first problem is that this girl should not have been shopping on her own. I know she is 11 but that is still too young in my opinion for a child to be shopping on their own. This whole thing proves that you should never let your child out of your site! This person is obviously sick in the head. I hope they catch this guy and give him the maximum sentence allowed by the law...although that would never be enough for the emotional problems this child will now have to deal with! I feel so bad for this girl. She will forever have to remember this event and it makes me sick.

I never let my child out of my sight and I never will! If anyone ever hurt or attempted to hurt my child..God..I just don't know what I would do. I know that person would definitly feel my wrath. I feel bad for this child's mother, she probably feels guilty for not being around when this man attacked her child.

Here is a link to the story: girls assault

Here is another link that has pictures of this creep

It's sad that this world is filled with sick individuals like this who attack innocent children.

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