In My Place


I'm on my a thinner me!

Well I am now running the Review site that I was reviewing for. Yee Haw!!If anyone is interested be sure and come visit!! There will be a link to diary-viewer in the upper right corner as soon as I am done with this entry. I am actually glad to be running it. I think it will be a little less pressure on me. I can delegate who reviews what and then only review when we get swamped.

I am starting to get back into the exercise routine! I am excited. I bought this 3 tape set yesterday.. walk away the pounds. It comes in 3 videos. You can do a 1, 2 or 3 mile workout. I started with the 1 of course since I haven't been to the gym in a while and didn't want to be sore tomorrow. It went by really fast and I really feel like I got a great workout. It's just what I need, a great workout that doesn't take up too much of my time.

It was so cute, Z was working out right along side of me. He was laughing, he just thought it was the funniest thing in the world. I was ready for him to kick something and knock it over, but he never did. He got tired after the 1/2 mile point and had to stop. I told him that at 5 he shouldn't have to quit at the half-way point. He just looked at me with that sad puppy dog look and said, "But Mommy, I'm tired. My legs are sleepy." He's so cute.

Alex and I went to see Terminator 3 today. Wow that was an action packed movie. I saw the second Terminator, but I never saw the first. Not that it matters, the movie pretty much gave you a background in case you missed the first two. I was surprised at how funny the movie was. Of course anything that Arnold says sounds a little funny. Overall though, I think once was enough for me to see it.

I love action movies and all, but it really has to capture my attention or have some really hot guy for me to watch it over and over. I would have to say that one of my fave people to watch has been Jet Li. I think he's so cute and I am a big Martial Arts movie fan. Although really Jackie Chan should think about his next movie really hard..because the Tuxedo was HORRIBLE. It might have had more to do with Jennifer Love Hewitt being in it though. I can't stand her. She is a horrible actress and let's not even get into how bad her singing is. Sometimes I just don't understand how some of these gals get to be famous.

Speaking of famous people. I have a story to tell about a certain famous person from my town. I will tell you the story tomorrow or maybe later on tonight. Right now I have to go put Z to bed. I will give you a hint about who it is. She is the lead in a tv show and has been in a few hit movies within the last year. Any guesses??

Have a wonderful 4th of July..Be safe and have fun! ~Rachel |
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