In My Place


no explanation required

WOW! I am feeling so good this morning. I actually slept all night. It feels so much better when you have had a good nights sleep!

I have so much to do today, yet I am sitting on my computer not wanting to do a thing. Z stayed with my grandmother last night, so at least I didn't have to cook breakfast as soon as I woke up this morning. I do need to start the laundry though. It piles up so fast in this house!

I am in the midst of reviewing a diary right now. Let me tell you. I already know that I am about to get some nasty notes and emails. However, I don't really care. This person's diary is so full of hate. I have never encountered anything like it on Diaryland before. I can't believe this person even wants a review. Why? I think he knows that everyone is going to give him a bad review and then that gives him another person to hate. It's sad to see that a person is allowed to have a diary like that on here. It's disgusting. It at least should be locked so that no kid would be able to view it.

I have a stalker online now. It's really weird. I have to keep my away message on. I would block his name, but he will just get a new name and find me again. I just talked to him one time (and no nothing like that) and he keeps messaging me trying to see where I'm at and when I'm going to be back on again. I told him so many times that I have a boyfriend and that I would never meet with him..yet he still thinks there is some chance that it will happen. I sware maybe they need to start some kind of program where you have to have some mental testing done before allowed to have internet access. This would weed out a lot of the crazy people.

Well I must go and get a few things done before I go and pick up Z. I will be on here later with my real entry for the day..since this one is a big freaking bore..

Hope everyone's day has been a beautiful one so far!!


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