In My Place


a little more about me

I have never really made an entry like I thought it would be interesting to do and let people know a little more about enjoy...


* Name: Rachel

* Birthdate: May 12, 1977

* Birthplace: Charleston,West Virginia

* Current Location: Charleston

* Eye Color: blue green

* Hair Color: medium brown with highlights

* Height: 5'8"

* Righty or Lefty: righty

* Zodiac Sign: Taurus


* Your heritage: Irish, German and French

* The shoes you wore today: my little white slip on tennis comfy

* Your weakness: I don't trust people

* Your fears: the dark, being completely alone, and snakes

* Your perfect pizza: plain cheese pizza

* Goal you'd like to achieve: getting back into college and then getting my master's degree


* Your most overused phrase on AIM: I rarely instant message people, but I guess it would be your a moron..leave me alone

* Your thoughts first waking up: usually it's wow..I really have to pee..

* Your best physical feature: I think it's my eyes because they change boobs are pretty nice too!

* Your bedtime: I think I am a little too old for a bedtime..but I usually make it to bed around 3 or 4 am.


* Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi (usually cherry pepsi)

* McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds

* Single or group dates: What? If I am going on a date..I don't need to be with anyone else but my boyfriend..

* Adidas or Nike: both

* Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton but usually I drink Hot green tea

* Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla

* Cappuccino or coffee: both


* smoke: ssh I am supposed to be quiting

* Cuss: like a damn sailor

* Sing: in the shower, in the car..karaoke..I love to sing

* Take a shower everyday: usually..unless I am too tired too.

* Have a crush(es): if you count my boyfriend as a crush then yes

* Do you think you've been in love: yeah..I am pretty sure that is why I have been with Alex for so long!!

* Want to go to college: well yeah I do!

* Liked high school: I wouldn't say it was my favorite..I don't want to go back and do it again or anything..but I liked playing basketball and volleyball in high school

* Want to get married: someday.. hopefully soon...

* Believe in yourself: sure...

* Get motion sickness: in the car if there are roads are nothing but curves..

* Think you're attractive: sure..I'm the shit baby!!

* Think you're a health freak: no

* Get along with your parents: ooh if getting along with them is avoiding them at any cost then yeah

* Play an instrument: I used to play the trumpet but that was long ago


* Drank alcohol: much so that the smell of it now makes me want to puke

* Smoked: smoked what? ciggy's all the time..

* Done a drug: yeah, I used to smoke pot and I have tried acid and extasy.

* Had Sex: well considering I have a child I would have to say Yeah..

* Made Out: God some high schooler must have created this..

* Gone on a date: I don't think I need to answer this..

* Gone to the mall?: no I have never in 26 years of life been to a mall..what kind of retarded question is this..

* Eaten an entire box of Oreos:

* Eaten sushi: I love sushi

* Been on stage: yeah..every night I moonlight at the pink pony..ssh don't tell..

* Gone skating: yeah in junior high..

* Made homemade cookies: I love baking

* Gone skinny dipping: yes I have..

* Dyed your hair: yeah..I love to dye my hair!

* Stolen anything: yeah..but hasn't everyone at one point in their life.


* Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes...strip poker..but luckily I am good at my clothes stayed on..was very nice to get a view of the packages of the guys I beat though!!

* If so, was it mixed company: yes

* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: uh, yeah..many a time.

* Been caught "doing something": unfortunatly yes..

* Been called a tease: I don't tease.. I please!

* Gotten beaten up: No..but I beat a few gals up in my younger years

* Shoplifted: no

* Changed who you were to fit in: no why should I..


* Age you hope to be married: I would hope by 30..but that is fast approaching..

* Numbers and Names of Children: one..his name is Zachary

* Describe your dream wedding: I would like to get married at my grandparent's summer's in the mountains and it's beautiful there!

* How do you want to die: well I would rather not think about it..since I don't want to die..

* What country would you most like to visit: I have wanted to go to England for as long as I can remember..and I would like to go to the Ukraine to see where Alex lived when he was little.


In a guy/..

* Best eye color? Blue or green

* Best hair color? black

* Short or long hair: short

* Height: as long as they aren't shorter than me..I don't care

* Best articles of clothing: as long as it�s not too tight, too baggy, or hideously ugly I don�t really care


* Number of drugs taken illegally: 3

* Number of people I could trust with my life: hmm..that's a hard one..I know I could trust Alex and my Grandmother..and that is probably about it.

* Number of CDs that I own: at least 150..I am a music fiend

* Number of piercings: 3

* Number of tattoos: one

* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: I don't know..all the time when I was younger and the honor roll was in the paper..and when I had was in the paper

* Number of scars on my body: I don't think this question is anything of importance..although I have a major on on my stomach from having a c-section

* Number of things in my past that I regret: God..there are so many..not finishing school..not sticking to diets.. not breaking up with scott before wasting 3 years of my life with him..and the list goes on and on and on.. well you get the point..

well that was..not fun..but hell maybe you learned a little more about me! And that is the greatest thing after all right? Yes I thought so too!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Monday.. enjoy the rest of the day!! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood..


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